Robert Gibbs: Democrats Will Keep House Control (VIDEO) HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": "huffpost.politics/news;politics=1;entry_id=765695;2010-elections=1;@noad_mid_article=1;house-elections-2010=1;robert-gibbs=1;robert-gibbs-democrats=1;robert-gibbs-house=1;robert-gibbs-house-prediction=1;video=1","ord": 1287333979,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... BIG NEWS:2010 Elections|John McCain|Robert Gibbs|Rand Paul| Energy Debates| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up The Huffington Post October 17, 2010 ELECTION DASHBOARD POLLSTER FUNDRACE REPORTERS CAMPAIGN ADS EYES & EARS Front PagePoliticsMediaEntertainmentSportsComedyBusiness Tech N.Y. Living More Style GreenFood World Travel College Impact Books Arts Religion LA Chicago Denver Video Blogs function hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble"); = "none";}function hide_user_promo_bubble() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 0}}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();setTimeout("hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage()", 1100);}function handle_promo_username(params) {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var img = $("user_promo_bubble_image");var anchor = $("user_promo_bubble_link");if (params.has_photo == "true") {img.src = "" + params.user_id + "-tiny.png";} else { = "none";Dom.addClass(anchor, "wide");}anchor.innerHTML = "Shared by " + params.user_name;anchor.href = "" + params.user_name; = "block";var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 1}}, 2, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();}if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("user_promo")) {YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {var parts = document.location.hash.split(","), shared_by = "", badge = "", i;if (parts.length Robert Gibbs: Democrats Will Keep House Control (VIDEO)
AP/Huffington PostFirst Posted: 10-17-10 11:55 AM | Updated: 10-17-10 11:57 AM
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WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama's spokesman caused a political stir this summer when he said Democrats could lose their majority in the House in November. Now he says he doesn't think that will happen.
Press secretary Robert Gibbs tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that Democratic candidates have done, in his words, "a remarkably good job in a tough political environment."
And Gibbs says that it's his view that Democrats will retain control of both the House and the Senate.
The House now has 255 Democrats, 178 Republican, with two vacancies. In the Senate, there are 57 Democrats, 41 Republicans and two independents who usually vote with Democrats.
Gibbs' summer comment was seen by many as an effort to jolt Democratic voters into action.
(This version CORRECTS headlines to indicate spokesman had said Democrats might lose House, not predicting that they would lose House.)
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Polls are necessarily NOT for indicating the REAL mood of the people; they are often used to influence people's positions and sway them by creating this repetitive media narrative. Remember a couple of months ago before the primaries when the media narrative was "....polls show that all incumbents are in trouble"? Well, it turned out that more than 90% of incumbents, MOSTLY on the House side, won their primaries with relative ease.
Until the morning of November 3rd, everybody who's making "bold" predictions about how things are going to turn out is only making a noise. emphatico: Blah, blah, blah....!!!! I hope everyone, on the Left and Permalink | Share it SaddleBum 1 minute ago (12:45 PM) 113 Fans the democrats had control of congress and the white house.
look what we got. watered down, meaningless garbage. milquetoast leadership.
many will sit this one out. SaddleBum: the democrats had control of congress and the white house. Permalink | Share it sistermoon3 1 minute ago (12:45 PM) 57 Fans Yep, the White House sistermoon3: Yep, the White House Permalink | Share it jgallery 5 minutes ago (12:40 PM) 36 Fans Baghdad Bob Gibbs speaks only the true Obama mantra jgallery: Baghdad Bob Gibbs speaks only the true Obama mantra Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR yeaobama 6 minutes ago (12:39 PM) 562 Fans THE TEA PARTY CANDIDATES ARE THE....DREGS....OF A GOP GOING DOWN THE DRAIN. THE GOP CANDIDATES HAVE ALIENATED EVERY....GROUP....POSSIBLE! THEY ARE MISTAKEN IF THEY THINK THERE IS ANYONE LEFT THAT WILL VOTE FOR THEM. yeaobama: THE TEA PARTY CANDIDATES ARE THE....DREGS....OF A GOP GOING DOWN Permalink | Share it Guest211 4 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 13 Fans why are you yelling Guest211: why are you yelling Permalink | Share it susankhbelen 2 minutes ago (12:43 PM) 203 Fans too much coffee? susankhbelen: too much coffee? Permalink | Share it BevfromNYC 3 minutes ago (12:43 PM) 39 Fans You just keep smokin' what you're smokin' and by Nov 3 it will all be over. BevfromNYC: You just keep smokin' what you're smokin' and by Nov Permalink | Share it jgallery 2 minutes ago (12:44 PM) 36 Fans Relax - Nov will speak jgallery: Relax - Nov will speak Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST PUNDIT scjk67 7 minutes ago (12:39 PM) 986 Fans Follow I'm fired up and ready to vote Dems....YES WE CAN!!! scjk67: I'm fired up and ready to vote Dems....YES WE CAN!!! Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR yeaobama 5 minutes ago (12:41 PM) 562 Fans CO-SIGN! yeaobama: CO-SIGN! Permalink | Share it latia65 4 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 148 Fans x2 latia65: x2 Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER spinns17 4 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 724 Fans Follow add me spinns17: add me Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER searles7 0 minute ago (12:46 PM) 43 Fans DITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! searles7: DITTO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Permalink | Share it StevieRae 0 minute ago (12:46 PM) 218 Fans x 51% in majority of Democratic races! StevieRae: x 51% in majority of Democratic races! Permalink | Share it heckmepitus 7 minutes ago (12:38 PM) 40 Fans Yeah, sure. Democrat will lose the house and effective control of the senate. Soon all Obama appointees will have to please senate Republicans to get senate approval! Happy days. Though regaining the senate in 2012 will be even better. heckmepitus: Yeah, sure. Democrat will lose the house and effective control Permalink | Share it FightingTheRight 7 minutes ago (12:39 PM) 41 Fans “8years of Republi-con control didn't decrease the size of government, cut spending, or shrink the National Debt.
But now you believe the Republi-con party candidates, masquerading as outsiders(Teabaggers) will change they way they govern.
You really have been conned.” FightingTheRight: â??8years of Republi-con control didn't decrease the size of government, Permalink | Share it BevfromNYC 4 minutes ago (12:41 PM) 39 Fans But 1994 to 2000 the Republican Congress DID cut spending and shrink the National Debt. That surplus that the Dems keep crowing about that Bush wasted was brought to you by a Republican-led Congress. BevfromNYC: But 1994 to 2000 the Republican Congress DID cut spending Permalink | Share it There are More Comments on this Thread. Click Here To See them All HUFFPOST SUPER USER spinns17 3 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 724 Fans Follow fanned spinns17: fanned Permalink | Share it SpectCon 4 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 23 Fans 2012 is not likely to be a great year for the GOP. They have no one who can match Obama, and the country should be doing better. Meanwhile, Obama will have had two years to excite his base by sounding like the progressive "Hope/Change" candidate he was in 08, without having to implement the policies. He'll have the GOP to blame. SpectCon: 2012 is not likely to be a great year for Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER SojournerForTruth 2 minutes ago (12:43 PM) 97 Fans In your dreams "heckmepenis". Not gonna happen dear! SojournerForTruth: In your dreams "heckmepenis". Not gonna happen dear! Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER GoDems2012 8 minutes ago (12:38 PM) 663 Fans If Dems stay home they are not punishing the WH. They will end up punishing us all, including themselves. Vote Dems 2010. GoDems2012: If Dems stay home they are not punishing the WH. Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER spinns17 7 minutes ago (12:38 PM) 724 Fans Follow #662 spinns17: #662 Permalink | Share it senator11 9 minutes ago (12:36 PM) 35 Fans Robert Gillb....a true liberal clown. Where does Barack Obama find these people? But then again, Mr. Obama needs / has his assorted gang of sycophants that preach the same Progressive ideological nonsense that will throw the Dems on their keisters on November 2nd. If it wasn't so serious, it would actually be comical watching this crew operate. This is what happens when you install an individual with a far-reaching agenda that listesn to the likes of Axelrod, Podesta and Plouff.
Transformation of America? Time to put an end to that and that end starts on 11.2.10. senator11: Robert Gillb....a true liberal clown. Where does Barack Obama find Permalink | Share it IMOPINIONH8D 4 minutes ago (12:42 PM) 445 Fans ........back to the past............ IMOPINIONH8D: ........back to the past............ Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER spinns17 1 minute ago (12:44 PM) 724 Fans Follow and tell us where you were when bush was running this country into the ground? spinns17: and tell us where you were when bush was running Permalink | Share it Cheryl Fitzpatrick 10 minutes ago (12:35 PM) 57 Fans Well Gibbster, as Grandma used to say, "from your mouth to Gods ear"!! Cheryl_Fitzpatrick: Well Gibbster, as Grandma used to say, "from your mouth Permalink | Share it E NUFF 2 minutes ago (12:43 PM) 29 Fans I was thinking the same thing, "from your mouth to Gods ear"!!
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