Rand Paul: I Don't Want Washington Deciding 'Two Mommies Is An Appropriate Family Situation' HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... ShareBox.ad = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": "huffpost.politics/news;politics=1;entry_id=764571;2010-elections=1;@ypolitics=1;@yus-news=1;kentucky-senate-2010=1;rand-paul=1;rand-paul-controversy=1;rand-paul-department-of-education=1;rand-paul-education-department=1;rand-paul-gay-rights=1;rand-paul-marriage-equality=1;rand-paul-two-mommies=1;rand-paul-video=1;video=1","ord": 1287233951,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... BIG NEWS:2010 Elections|Harry Reid|Joe Lieberman|Don't Ask Don't Tell| Energy Debates| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up The Huffington Post October 16, 2010 ELECTION DASHBOARD POLLSTER FUNDRACE REPORTERS CAMPAIGN ADS EYES & EARS Front PagePoliticsMediaEntertainmentSportsComedyBusiness Tech N.Y. Living More Style GreenFood World Travel College Impact Books Arts Religion LA Chicago Denver Video Blogs function hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");bubble.style.display = "none";}function hide_user_promo_bubble() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 0}}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();setTimeout("hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage()", 1100);}function handle_promo_username(params) {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var img = $("user_promo_bubble_image");var anchor = $("user_promo_bubble_link");if (params.has_photo == "true") {img.src = "http://images.huffingtonpost.com/profiles/" + params.user_id + "-tiny.png";} else {img.style.display = "none";Dom.addClass(anchor, "wide");}anchor.innerHTML = "Shared by " + params.user_name;anchor.href = "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/" + params.user_name;bubble.style.display = "block";var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 1}}, 2, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();}if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("user_promo")) {YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {var parts = document.location.hash.split(","), shared_by = "", badge = "", i;if (parts.length Rand Paul: I Don't Want Washington Deciding 'Two Mommies Is An Appropriate Family Situation'
The Huffington Post | Elyse SiegelPosted: 10-16-10 01:25 AM
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In arguing for why the U.S. Department of Education is unnecessary and should be abolished on Thursday, Kentucky Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul cited concerns he has about the issue of gay marriage to make his case.
"I would rather have the local school districts decide things," explained Paul at a debate against Democratic rival Jack Conway in the Bluegrass State. "I don't like the idea of Suzie has two mommies being an appropriate family situation to talk about to kindergartners. That's what happens when it gets to the federal level."
The Tea Party-backed contender said he'd prefer that "local school boards, teachers, parents" and residents be the ones making such decisions.
Challenging Paul, Conway fired back and underscored his belief that federal funding of schools is crucial.
"The cost of education is going up," explained the Democratic hopeful. "This is no time to run from our students. We need to become a more educated society to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow."
Via ThinkProgress comes video of Paul's remarks.
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And why do people like him always go to the 'teach .... in kindergarten'. Do they have ANY proof that kindergartners (or 1st or 2nd graders) are being taught anything about sex or could they just be trying to scare parents. As a parent, I would be much more scared Read More... if Rand Paul came anywhere near my child or my child's school.
He wants an educated population and yet wants local school boards to control education in our country - like the school board in Texas who voted to denigrate Thomas Jefferson???
What a waste! UpstateNY: For a libertarian-lending person (he's said he is not a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/UpstateNY/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63900878.html View Thread | Share it 63900878,63897325 warghul 0 minute ago (8:57 AM) 15 Fans I just don't understand how modern "libertarians" reconcile the idea of "no government interference" in people's personal lives while at the same time supporting restrictive social/recreational/family/religious positions that would have to be enforced by government.
Amusingly, in this case, the only thing stopping marriage between two people of the same gender these days is government interference. He's campaigning on a platform of being against government, because government is doing what he is in favor of government doing.
*boggle* warghul: I just don't understand how modern "libertarians" reconcile the idea http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/warghul/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904278.html Permalink | Share it BluesDogLefty 0 minute ago (8:57 AM) 185 Fans Gov. George Wallace of Alabama stood in a doorway at the Univ. of Alabama in a symbolic attempt to block two black students from enrolling in 1963.
Does anyone remember Wallace favorably for this action?
Rand and the conservos who are trying to perpetuate the political oppression of Gay people should think about how history will remember them. BluesDogLefty: Gov. George Wallace of Alabama stood in a doorway at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/BluesDogLefty/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904273.html Permalink | Share it cargocult 4 minutes ago (8:54 AM) 3 Fans Why does Rand Paul hate mommies?
All mommies are decided at the local level. He should be fine with that. cargocult: Why does Rand Paul hate mommies? All mommies are decided http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/cargocult/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904105.html Permalink | Share it FR 0 minute ago (8:58 AM) 121 Fans Mommies are women. Watch the women do their thing and once again vote against right-wing bigotry masquerading as "concerns" about curriculum and schools. FR: Mommies are women. Watch the women do their thing and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FR/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904296.html Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER bryce05 4 minutes ago (8:53 AM) 20 Fans He is such an idiotic little gimp.
Conway is class. bryce05: He is such an idiotic little gimp. Conway is class. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/bryce05/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904069.html Permalink | Share it imaxfli 5 minutes ago (8:52 AM) 11 Fans Guess he's not the LIBERTARIAN his Father is! Doucebag is what he is!! imaxfli: Guess he's not the LIBERTARIAN his Father is! Doucebag is http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/imaxfli/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63904012.html Permalink | Share it lylo 6 minutes ago (8:52 AM) 22 Fans WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE DEPT. OF EDUCATION???!!! lylo: WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH THE DEPT. OF http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/lylo/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903983.html Permalink | Share it SirCoolBreeze 8 minutes ago (8:50 AM) 53 Fans Department of Education doesn't set local curriculum. Local school boards do that. AQUA BUDDAH has talked himself out of a 15-point lead down to a 1.7-point lead. Too much time left for AQUA BUDDAH. The more he talks, the lower he polls...and AQUA BUDDAH has never met a camera he didn't to talk to! SirCoolBreeze: Department of Education doesn't set local curriculum. Local school boards http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/SirCoolBreeze/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903887.html Permalink | Share it madbonger618 8 minutes ago (8:49 AM) 239 Fans Children are much more intelligent than adults when it comes to issues like this because they aren't filled with all that bigotry.
My nephew has TWO mommies and if you ask him why he'll tell you because THREE is too many. madbonger618: Children are much more intelligent than adults when it comes http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/madbonger618/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903852.html Permalink | Share it NielsH 16 minutes ago (8:42 AM) 39 Fans I actually believe there is a point to leaving this sort of stuff up to states. Decades of Federal attempts haven't made certain places less bigoted. In fact it has created only more adversary.
I know Rand Paul is pandering to the bigots to get elected, but maybe the idea of giving more autonomy to states and local government will have the effect that those places will do the things that totally shame them. This creates an opposition from within. NielsH: I actually believe there is a point to leaving this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/NielsH/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903512.html Permalink | Share it Susan Keeping 17 minutes ago (8:41 AM) 8 Fans And I don't think most people want him deciding that it is not appropriate. Susan_Keeping: And I don't think most people want him deciding that http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Susan_Keeping/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903453.html Permalink | Share it nickyballs 17 minutes ago (8:40 AM) 1 Fans Rand Paul please explain "appropriate family situation to talk about to kindergartners". What if "Suzie" has a mommy who works as a pole dancer and a daddy serving time for armed robbery. Now that is an appropriate family situation since Suzie has a mommy and daddy. nickyballs: Rand Paul please explain "appropriate family situation to talk about http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/nickyballs/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903446.html Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Bev McClellan 18 minutes ago (8:39 AM) 48 Fans Rand Paul - the hateful truth of a homophobic bigot comes out when he discusses the Department of Education by inserting his "two mommies" comment...don't let this fool go to Washington - put him in a cave where he can go back to his patriarchial roots! Get out the vote for Dems in 2010 - hold the House - hold the Senate! Bev_McClellan: Rand Paul - the hateful truth of a homophobic bigot http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/Bev_McClellan/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903392.html Permalink | Share it praxitas 20 minutes ago (8:38 AM) 12 Fans this guy shoots to pieces the general assumption that you have to be intelligent to be a doctor. the issue is not the government telling us how to marry etc but ending discrimination against some arrangements. praxitas: this guy shoots to pieces the general assumption that you http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/praxitas/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903340.html Permalink | Share it FR 20 minutes ago (8:37 AM) 121 Fans The DOE does NOT set the local curriculum. This was just a flimsy and uninformed excuse for gay-bashing.
I hope this does for him what Quayle's rant about a "Murphy Brown"s single motherhood did for him.
REALLY tired of these people advocating their tired and long-discredited nonsense about the "correct" two-opposite-parent family -- 'cause THAT record is so glorious ... FR: The DOE does NOT set the local curriculum. This was http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/FR/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903319.html Permalink | Share it papajohn56 20 minutes ago (8:38 AM) 4 Fans "The DOE does NOT set the local curriculum."
Gay comments aside, this isn't accurate. The DOE strongly influences curriculum with NCLB and funding threats. papajohn56: "The DOE does NOT set the local curriculum." Gay comments http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/papajohn56/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903349.html Permalink | Share it biancardi 10 minutes ago (8:48 AM) 123 Fans well, obviously, based on the intelligence of some states, those threats don't work. biancardi: well, obviously, based on the intelligence of some states, those http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/biancardi/rand-paul-two-mommies_n_764571_63903767.html Permalink | Share it FR 3 minutes ago (8:55 AM) 121 Fans And the Texas school board of education has just as much influence with its right-wing revisions of textbooks (just google Texas SBOE and Jefferson) because textbook publishers, who are interested mainly in bulk, go with Texas-chosen texts and market them to all school boards.
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