Republican candidate Blake Farenthold, who is running for Texas's 27th district House seat, came under scrutiny this week when images surfaced of him out for a night on the town with women in attire leaving little to the imagination.
In the pictures, which were reportedly taken last year and published online by, Farenthold is dressed in pajamas featuring a yellow ducky design.
We The People News called attention to the images on Thursday with a note confirming their authenticity. CrushGirls marketing director Tony Martinez tells Talking Points Memo that the pictures were not photoshopped.
Meanwhile, it didn't take long before Democrats seized on the unusual nature of the matter. The campaign of Democratic incumbent Rep. Solomon Ortiz, who Farenthold is vying to unseat, swiftly came out with a new ad featuring the congressional hopeful dressed in the duckie-clad clothes alongside women wearing much less.
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Project Vote Smart - R. Blake Farenthold - Biography
Blake Farenthold | TPMDC
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He was a Goodyear Blimp of Marketing
HIS BUSINESS LeftLeanWing: He was in Pajamas at a NightClub...... He was a Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Reiner-von-Sinn 34 minutes ago (8:21 AM) 31 Fans Good-ol'-flag-wavin'-red-meat-n-taters-ol'-timey-religion-family-values GOP ... HYPOCRITE! Reiner-von-Sinn: Good-ol'-flag-wavin'-red-meat-n-taters-ol'-timey-religion-family-values GOP ... HYPOCRITE! Permalink | Share it tm22 3 minutes ago (8:52 AM) 146 Fans forgot "mouth-breather-knuckle-draggin'..." tm22: forgot "mouth-breather-knuckle-draggin'..." Permalink | Share it Imzadi 1 minute ago (8:55 AM) 898 Fans You have a wonderful way with words.
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