Sen. John Cornyn Denies The GOP Is Turning Its Back On Joe Miller, But Won't Say If He Can Win In Alaska (VIDEO) HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": "huffpost.politics/news;amanda-terkel=1;featured-posts=1;politics=1;reporting=1;entry_id=776594;alaska-senate=1;alaska-senate-2010=1;alaska-senate-race=1;bob-menendez=1;dscc=1;elections-2010=1;joe-miller=1;john-cornyn=1;lisa-murkowski=1;nrsc=1;scott-mcadams=1;video=1","ord": 1288540384,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading... BIG NEWS:Elections 2010|Michael Steele|Sarah Palin|HuffPost Sanity Bus| Smarter Ideas| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up The Huffington Post October 31, 2010 ELECTION DASHBOARD POLLSTER FUNDRACE REPORTERS ELECTIONS LIVE EYES & EARS Front PagePoliticsMediaEntertainmentSportsComedyBusiness Tech N.Y. LivingGreenTravel More Health Style Food World College Impact Books Arts Religion LA Chicago Denver Video Blogs #ad_curtain {display:none} 2010 Elections DashboardSenate Race Projectionsdem 47toss up 4gop 46 84%Probability that Dems retain controlHouse Race Projectionsdem 193toss up 30gop 212 77%Probability of Gop takeoverGovernor Race Projectionsdem 16toss up 4gop 29 +6Probable gain in Gop governorships Amanda| HuffPost ReportingBecome a FanGet Email Alerts from this Reporterfunction hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble"); = "none";}function hide_user_promo_bubble() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 0}}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();setTimeout("hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage()", 1100);}function handle_promo_username(params) {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var img = $("user_promo_bubble_image");var anchor = $("user_promo_bubble_link");if (params.has_photo == "true") {img.src = "" + params.user_id + "-tiny.png";} else { = "none";Dom.addClass(anchor, "wide");}anchor.innerHTML = "Shared by " + params.user_name;anchor.href = "" + params.user_name; = "block";var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 1}}, 2, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();}if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("user_promo")) {YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {var parts = document.location.hash.split(","), shared_by = "", badge = "", i;if (parts.length Sen. John Cornyn Denies The GOP Is Turning Its Back On Joe Miller, But Won't Say If He Can Win In Alaska (VIDEO)
First Posted: 10-31-10 11:10 AM | Updated: 10-31-10 11:36 AM
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WASHINGTON -- On Sunday, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn (Tex.) denied reports that the GOP is abandoning Joe Miller in Alaska's Senate race, but at the same time, refused to say whether he believes the Republican has a real shot at winning.
Cornyn was responding to a story by ABC News's Jonathan Karl, who reported that party leaders are worried that Democrat Scott McAdams may actually win and are therefore "banking on a victory by write-in candidate Lisa Murkowski as the best bet for Republicans to keep the Alaska Senate seat."
"Well, that's not the case," Cornyn responded on ABC's "This Week." " We, what we have done, we are supporting the nominee of our party, which is Mr. Miller, and -- but are concerned."
When asked by host Christiane Amanpour whether he believes Miller can win, Cornyn simply replied, "Well, I think that polls are very close now between Senator Murkowski and Joe Miller, and what we want to make sure of is that the Democrat doesn't win, Bob's candidate doesn't win in November."
In contrast, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Bob Menendez said, "We believe Scott McAdams has a real chance of winning this race."
According to an analysis by The Huffington Post's Pollster, the Alaska Senate race is right now leaning in Murkowski's favor.
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In recent days, both parties have had to defend their long-shot nominees, with controversy for Democrats in Florida over whether President Bill Clinton asked Rep. Kendrick Meek (Fla.) to drop out in order to throw support behind Independent Charlie Crist in the Senate race against Republican Marco Rubio.
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Post to Facebook.Post to Blogger.Post to Twitter.Post to WordPress.Post to TypePad.Post to Tumblr.Post to Yahoo! View All Favorites Recency | Popularity me again 0 minute ago (11:52 AM) 312 Fans Putting Cornyn on television is a waste of the Country's time. He avoids answering questions and spins and point, when shown the Vitter ad this morning which is similar in character to the Angle anti-Latino ad, he sat and spun and never answered the question. These political roundtables need to avoid putting politicians who spin everything on the air, it is not helpful to our political discourse. me_again: Putting Cornyn on television is a waste of the Country's Permalink | Share it zdeedle 9 minutes ago (11:43 AM) 185 Fans it amazes me that cornyn, delay, armey, and perry are the "best" that texas has to offer? i don't count bush amongst those, he was a fake texan, after all, born and raised in conn. but really, lone star, whatever happened to your austins, your houstins, your johnsons. zdeedle: it amazes me that cornyn, delay, armey, and perry are Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Fred Sanders 10 minutes ago (11:41 AM) 242 Fans Last desperate act by Palin/Miller and Breitbart: almost inaudible tape about some possible reporters saying possibly something negative about Miller sometime ago.
Palin has really lost. Can you imagine her shame and anger at her pet Miller being taken down and now being abandoned by the GOP?
Sorry for lack of link: Fred_Sanders: Last desperate act by Palin/Miller and Breitbart: almost inaudible tape Permalink | Share it Cooday 11 minutes ago (11:41 AM) 9 Fans Need a break from Palin, Joe Miller, Lisa Murkowski, Koch Brothers and the Tea Baggers?
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Its about Alaska. Vote Scott McAdams! Cooday: Need a break from Palin, Joe Miller, Lisa Murkowski, Koch Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Fred Sanders 11 minutes ago (11:40 AM) 242 Fans Last desperate act by Palin/Miller and Breitbart: almost inaudible tape about some possible reporters saying possibly something negative about Miller sometime ago.
Palin has really lost. Can you imagine her shame and anger at her pet Miller being taken down and now being abandoned by the GOP? Fred_Sanders: Last desperate act by Palin/Miller and Breitbart: almost inaudible tape Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST PUNDIT SPQR1052 17 minutes ago (11:35 AM) 1156 Fans Follow Smart.
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