Sarah Palin Responds To Karl Rove's Latest Swipe: Reagan Was On TV Too (VIDEO) HPFB.init(); HuffPost's QuickRead... = function (tag_id){if ($(tag_id) == undefined) return; if ($(tag_id).innerHTML != '') return;ad_spec = {"zone_info": "huffpost.politics/news;featured-posts=1;politics=1;reporting=1;sam-stein=1;entry_id=776584;@huffpolitics=1;@ypolitics=1;fox-news-sunday-palin=1;palin-karl-rove=1;palin-presidential-run=1;rove-fox-news=1;sarah-palin=1;sarah-palin-karl-rove=1;video=1","ord": 1288540278,"tile": 3,"width": 300,"height": 250,"el_id": tag_id + "_js","class_name": "ad_block ad_wide top","type": "iframe"}HuffPoUtil.WEDGJE.write(ad_spec, tag_id);};Loading... HuffPost's QuickRead... Loading... BIG NEWS:Elections 2010|Michael Steele|Sarah Palin|HuffPost Sanity Bus| Smarter Ideas| More... | LogoutLog In| Sign Up The Huffington Post October 31, 2010 ELECTION DASHBOARD POLLSTER FUNDRACE REPORTERS ELECTIONS LIVE EYES & EARS Front PagePoliticsMediaEntertainmentSportsComedyBusiness Tech N.Y. LivingGreenTravel More Health Style Food World College Impact Books Arts Religion LA Chicago Denver Video Blogs #ad_curtain {display:none} 2010 Elections DashboardSenate Race Projectionsdem 47toss up 4gop 46 84%Probability that Dems retain controlHouse Race Projectionsdem 193toss up 30gop 212 77%Probability of Gop takeoverGovernor Race Projectionsdem 16toss up 4gop 29 +6Probable gain in Gop governorships Sam| HuffPost ReportingBecome a FanGet Email Alerts from this Reporterfunction hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble"); = "none";}function hide_user_promo_bubble() {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 0}}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();setTimeout("hide_user_promo_bubble_second_stage()", 1100);}function handle_promo_username(params) {var bubble = $("user_promo_bubble");var img = $("user_promo_bubble_image");var anchor = $("user_promo_bubble_link");if (params.has_photo == "true") {img.src = "" + params.user_id + "-tiny.png";} else { = "none";Dom.addClass(anchor, "wide");}anchor.innerHTML = "Shared by " + params.user_name;anchor.href = "" + params.user_name; = "block";var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(bubble, {opacity: {to: 1}}, 2, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);myAnim.animate();}if (HuffPoUtil.getUrlVar("user_promo")) {YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function() {var parts = document.location.hash.split(","), shared_by = "", badge = "", i;if (parts.length Sarah Palin Responds To Karl Rove's Latest Swipe: Reagan Was On TV Too (VIDEO)
First Posted: 10-31-10 10:05 AM | Updated: 10-31-10 11:02 AM
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WASHINGTON -- Former Governor Sarah Palin continued escalating her feud with Karl Rove on Sunday, offering a tongue-in-cheek response to the latest criticism from the former Bush strategist, that her reality-show persona didn't provide the gravitas required for a presidential run.
"You know, I agree with that," Palin said, during an interview with "Fox News Sunday," "that those standards have to be high for someone who would ever want to run for president like, um, wasn't Ronald Reagan an actor? Wasn't he in Bedtimes for Bonzo, bozo or something? Ronald Reagan was an actor. Now look-it. I'm not in a reality show. I have eight episodes documenting Alaska's resources, what it is that we can contribute to the rest of U.S. to economically and physically secure our union, and my family comes along for the ride because I am family, family is us, and my family comes along on the ride to document these eight episodes for The Learning Channel. ... So Karl is wrong right there in calling it a reality show."
Earlier in the week, Rove, in an interview with the London Telegraph, offered another in a noteworthy line of thinly veiled, or completely unveiled, swipes at Palin, this time questioning the utility of hosting a reality television series.
"There are high standards that the American people have for it [the presidency]," Rove said, "and they require a certain level of gravitas, and they want to look at the candidate and say 'that candidate is doing things that gives me confidence that they are up to the most demanding job in the world'."
The point, in essence, was that viewers wouldn't or couldn't see Palin as a presidential candidate if her time was being spent prioritizing television contracts and book tours. And on Sunday, Fox News host Chris Wallace picked up the argument, making a prediction to Palin that she wouldn't give up the glamour and money to make a White House run.
"You know, the country is worth it though to make those sacrifices," Palin replied, in a statement that really lent itself to the impression that she would run. "When we talk about making money today, having a lot of fun today, having all this freedom, if the country needed me, and I'm not saying that the country does and that the country would necessarily want to choose me over anyone else. But I would be willing to make he sacrifices if need be for America."
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One cliche after understanding of any rudimentary political and economic principles. One label after another. One silly set of crazy excuses and insane theories after another.
She mouths what she has been taught.....a chimp well trained but hardly one that you would let trust your car.
And Wallace, sadly, is playing softball with her. Read More... He is pressing a bit, just a bit. The question he asked in the a specific set of cuts that will cut BIG money from the budget.
Her CBS Conspiracy is a Breitbart Big Goverment creation.
Palin, the woman made rich on the backs of her supporters, calls on the GOP to make sacrifices. Monumental Hypocrisy.
Here is the story:
The voices are believed to be those of the news director for CBS Anchorage affiliate KTVA, along with assignment editor Nick McDermott, and other reporters, openly discussing creating, if not fabricating, two stories about Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Joe Miller. You read the transcript here
The explanation for how they got this is a faulty hangup and a missent voicemail . Makes no sense. murphthesurf3: PALIN ON FOX SUNDAY One cliche after understanding of View Thread | Share it 65664023,65667637 Vernie31 0 minute ago (11:51 AM) 283 Fans Sarah, You are RIGHT! Your MONKEY is replaced by your BABY! Vernie31: Sarah, You are RIGHT! Your MONKEY is replaced by your Permalink | Share it Layman23 0 minute ago (11:50 AM) 90 Fans " But I would be willing to make he sacrifices if need be for America.""
Quitting your publicly elected job for a book deal is not a sacrifice. The sacrifice is on the people who elected you in the first place. Layman23: " But I would be willing to make he sacrifices Permalink | Share it Ds2vet 0 minute ago (11:50 AM) 52 Fans With all the FACTUAL dirt on her, be it ethics charges or w/e else, youd think these guys would tell it like it is. But no, they allow her and those like her to avoid scrutiny while they report on her every tweet. Real journalism walked out the door with Tim. Id love to see sp and any of these other geniuses on meet the press 06 trying to get away with this nonsense.. Ds2vet: With all the FACTUAL dirt on her, be it ethics Permalink | Share it JHyatt 0 minute ago (11:50 AM) 9 Fans Be afraid Sarah, be very afraid, you are sparing with the devil. JHyatt: Be afraid Sarah, be very afraid, you are sparing with Permalink | Share it Joeltron 0 minute ago (11:50 AM) 9 Fans "When we talk about making money today, having a lot of fun today, having all this freedom, if the country needed me, and I'm not saying that the country does and that the country would necessarily want to choose me over anyone else."
I am not an english expert but isn't this a fragmented sentence? Her articulations make me wonder if she is constantly on xanax and her superficial use of the words 'freedom', 'liberty', and 'america' make me wonder if she is a robot.
Is Sarah Palin just a xanax'ed out robot? Hmm..... Joeltron: "When we talk about making money today, having a lot Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR gingerlilyose 1 minute ago (11:49 AM) 88 Fans I need to get some black coffee i have a hangover. gingerlilyose: I need to get some black coffee i have a Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR SkelDaddy 0 minute ago (11:50 AM) 655 Fans It won't make Sarah go away. SkelDaddy: It won't make Sarah go away. Permalink | Share it me again 2 minutes ago (11:49 AM) 312 Fans I actually took the time to watch this on television this morning. Here is what I learned:
1. Palin has not politically matured, she spent the entire time "blaming the media" for her problems and the problems of others. 2. Ronald Reagan was an actor who became a politician, not the other way around. 3. Her show despite her attempts to label it is a documentary is in fact a reality show, in the same respect that the Jersey Shore, or the Kardashians are reality shows. They are taking her out of her comfort zone to make ratings, as in the rock climbing clip they showed. 4. She defends Joe Miller without mentioning episodes like his non-registered security handcuffing a known member of the press in a public building, his computer scandals, his outright lies. Yes, the press is now on to him, as he has no business being a public servant based upon his actions.
Her aspirations for higher office will never be fulfilled, she is polarizing, void of real ideas and concepts which will move this Country forward and no her Country does not need her spending any time in Washington. me_again: I actually took the time to watch this on television Permalink | Share it Aquest 2 minutes ago (11:48 AM) 130 Fans Palin's new slogan: "Family's is us." Aquest: Palin's new slogan: "Family's is us." Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR CR46 1 minute ago (11:49 AM) 480 Fans Faked pregnancies and all. CR46: Faked pregnancies and all. Permalink | Share it hopeisalive 2 minutes ago (11:48 AM) 61 Fans Ms Palin I think that the only country that needs you isn't located on this continent. For you to even think that our Country would "need" you is beyond belief. hopeisalive: Ms Palin I think that the only country that needs Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST PUNDIT Freesia2 3 minutes ago (11:48 AM) 1681 Fans "Now look-it" Sarah, "like, um" (What are you? Like, um, 15?)....I remember Ronald Reagan. And even if someone didn't like him, or his policies (and I personally don't) he, unlike you, was no dummy. He also served as governor of the populous state of California (and didn't quit!) instead of governor of one of the least populous states (and quit!)..... About the only comparison between the two of you would be however that at the beginning of his noodling around with the idea of running to be the President of the United States, people didn't think he was intelligent enough. So he got busy writing and speaking (and facing reporters! Instead of like, um, hiding!) and elevated himself up from that. You however have merely doubled down on the dumb.
You, Bonzo, are no Ronald Reagan. Look-it. Like. (And also!) Freesia2: "Now look-it" Sarah, "like, um" (What are you? Like, um, Permalink | Share it Sinister Minister 3 minutes ago (11:47 AM) 155 Fans "There are high standards that the American people have for it [the presidency]," Rove said, "and they require a certain level of gravitas,"
This is how Karl feels? Really? The guy who helped get Bush elected. Gravitas? Really?
I think Karl is misunderestamateing something here. Gravitas? Really? Sinister_Minister: "There are high standards that the American people have for Permalink | Share it MDCA 3 minutes ago (11:47 AM) 107 Fans Karl is wrong to call it a reality show. Sarah is right. How dare Karl use Palin and reality in the same sentence? MDCA: Karl is wrong to call it a reality show. Sarah Permalink | Share it HUFFPOST SUPER USER Scooterfoot 3 minutes ago (11:47 AM) 130 Fans If she was merely a voice over, as video showed the wilds of Alaska that would be one thing...but I saw a clip and she's snow shoeing and driving a dog sled and making her typical odd, silly comments.
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